Harrogate Spring Water Reserved Matters Planning Application

Thu, 2023-11-23 10:27 -- admin
Date time: 
Thursday, November 30, 2023 - 16:00
The Crown Hotel (Byron Suite), Harrogate, HG1 2RZ

Danone, the owners of Harrogate Spring Water, have now submitted updated plans to develop on Rotary Wood, part of The Pinewoods.

This reserved matters application can be found here with an updated site plan as below. Comments on the application can be made on the planning portal or via email to planningcomments.har@northyorks.gov.uk.

Although there is an official deadline of Mon 4th March, comments after this date are normally considered. It is likely that any planning meeting will be a few months away with some further discussions and information needed.

The Pinewoods Conservation Group has been in constant dialogue with Danone and their representatives with meeting in November last year and this January. At these meetings it was agreed that copies of plans, specifically landscaping plans, would be shared with the group for comment and feedback before being submitted. Disappointingly Danone failed to do this despite assurances to the contrary.

During these meetings it was also stated that the offer of compensatory land, the planting of that land, future maintenance and possible future disposal of that land could be agreed via an informal agreement following any planning decision. We are pleased to confirm that the council have agreed with our view that a formal S106 agreement will be needed. This will clearly document work needed should full planning be granted.

We know that many of our members and local residents remain concerned about the size and impact of the development as does the Pinewoods Conservation Group. The diagram below clearly shows the size of the planned extension and the impact that is likely to have on Rotary Wood.

There are also many remaining questions regarding the offer of compensatory land. As such we have invited representatives from Danone to our AGM on Wed 20th March to update on their plans and take questions. We do hope that this offer is taken up.

Updates will be shared online when available. Relevant groups, including Harrogate Rotary, Harrogate Civics Society, Zero Carbon Harrogate and others will also continue to meet and review documents as needed before any council committee meeting.

We would encourage you to make your views known.

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