How to Raise a Formal Objection to Planning Proposal: 19/05245/DVCMAJ

Thu, 2020-02-20 17:21 -- admin

We are now asking our members and supporters to raise a formal objection to the variation for an increased extension to the Harrogate Spring Water Limited plant. This can be done via the portal or via email as outlined below.

Via Portal (best)
• Click the following links:
• If you have used Public Access before, you can login via the menu. If not, you will need to register your details first again via the menu.
• Click via “Search - Planning - Simple Search” page type in the application number: 19/05245/DVCMAJ and click search.
• Click “Make a Comment” at the top then select “Member of the Public” in Commenter type, add your text into the comments box and click submit. Don’t forget to choose “object”!
Via Email (easier!)

Send an email to clearly stating:
• Application Number. 19/05245/DVCMAJ
• Your name and address
• That you object and reasons why

Personalised objections are best but you may want to include the following points:
• Loss of trees, woodland and grassland contradictory to Harrogate Biodiversity Action Plan (woodland): “to conserve, maintain, restore and enhance woodland in Harrogate district, and increase woodland cover from 6 per cent to the national level of 11.6 per cent, concentrating on extending and linking existing sites.”
• No published plan to mitigate loss of trees and green space. This was a condition from 2017 with no details still shared on any plans.
• Loss of habitat for wildlife including deer, badger, amphibians, birds. The significant harm to biodiversity which this planning application would cause could be avoided through locating on an alternative site with less harmful impacts. National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 175a; 'if significant harm to biodiversity resulting from a development cannot be avoided (through locating on an alternative site with less harmful impacts) adequately mitigated, or, as a last resort, compensated for, then planning permission should be refused'
• Adding to the climate crisis and global warming. The current Harrogate Carbon Reduction Strategy aims to become a carbon neutral council by 2038 and also ‘promote and support activity within the district as a whole to help achieve net-zero emissions by 2038. Giving permission to remove existing woodland will decrease the ability for carbon to be absorbed now and in the future, thus adding to global warming despite commitments to reduce it.
• Carbon emissions the development itself will create should be considered to fulfil the Carbon Reduction Strategy, and criteria to meet sustainable development should be met. The end product of plastics (for bottling the water) should be seriously considered as long term pollution.
• Loss of a designated asset of community value. Rotary Wood was planted by the local community and has been designated an asset of community value under the Localism Act.
• Loss of open green space. Further loss to open public green space at the time development within the Harrogate region is on the increase.
• Lack of updated ecological surveys at time of submission which are required to meet national and local policy. There should be full opportunity to ensure that priority fauna and flora species are not being destroyed.
• Increase in HGVs to and from the site by an additional 30% creating additional traffic with a negative impact on air quality.
• Lack of detail and evidence from both the submission and the councils own Economic Development report that offers no support for increased jobs, growth or benefit to the Harrogate economy.
• Clear concerns and a recommendation for rejection of this application from the councils own Ecologist and Arboricultural Manager.

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