Members and Users Views Sought on Signs & Cyclists in the Pinewoods

As many of you will be aware cyclists have been an increasing issue in the Pinewoods, especially on the narrow path from Harlow Moor Road to Crag Lane with visitors raising concerns regularly to the committee. Many cyclists use the route, commuters and families, as a safer option that the busy Otley Road with many cyclists using the route daily. With the re-surfacing of sections of this path earlier this year further concern was raised as to the speed of cyclists on the new path.

The Pinewoods Conservation Group wants to continue to encourage ALL users of the Pinewoods, from walkers to horse riders to cyclists. As such the committee agreed to look at suitable shared use signage to encourage all users to be considerate of other users. The signs as attached, designed by Sustrans and tweaked after public consultation, were sent to Harrogate Council on 9th July 2015 for their signoff, but despite being chased repeatedly, were unable to get any response. As such, in line with the new path being opened, the signs were installed by the Pinewoods Conservation Group on 20th Feb 2016 to encourage good behaviour and have been well received.

We have now been ordered by Harrogate Council to remove this signs with immediate effect. Following what we understand is a complaint by one member of the public, focused on the Valley Gardens side of the Pinewoods, the council view is that these signs are encouraging cyclists in the Pinewoods leaving the council open to possible legal action if a pedestrian is injured by a cyclist. The council have also raised concerns that the signs are potentially in breach of Advertising Regulations 2007 and planning laws.

Those familiar with North Yorkshire County Council and Harrogate Borough Council cycling plans will be aware that since 2003 this route has been included in various strategic documents are possible official cycle paths. We have regularly engaged with both organisations to understand plans and encourage progress.  

As such we seek views from Pinewood Conservation Group members, local residents and users of the Pinewoods.

  •         Should a way be found to keep the current signs?
  •         Is there more appropriate signage that can be erected?
  •         Should cycling be actively discouraged within the Pinewoods?
  •         If cycling is not to be permitted in the Pinewoods can it really be enforced?
  •         Is an official cycling route from Valley Gardens to Crag Lane (through the Pinewoods) a good idea?

Please share any thoughts online or via email to You may also want to share views with local councillor or the relevant cabinet member, Michael Harrison via

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